Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bacon, yummy bacon

I apologize for the extreme tardiness of this posting, October was a much busier month than I anticipated. So here it is... my latest addition:

Bacon. Oh, how I love thee. I know I’m not supposed to being Jewish and all, yet I put you on and in as many recipes as I can because your flavor brings so much pleasure.

I’m sure you’re thinking that I’m crazy, but I have had a lifelong obsession with bacon. My Mom called me the “Nitrate Queen” growing up because of my fondness of the pork products. Friends will tell you funny memories of me creating what I called the “BBLT” when bacon could not be found. The BBLT consists of the usual lettuce, tomatoes, toast, and wait for it…bacon bits! Yes, I would even resort to bacon bits just to get that wonderful flavor in my mouth.

I have experimented over the years with all sorts of recipes, putting bacon on a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a nice drizzle of honey. Sounds kind of weird, but has become one of my favorite sandwiches. For a little extra punch, sprinkle some cinnamon on there too.

Using my culinary training, I put bacon to the test, I wanted to see how many sweet treats I could manage to squeeze bacon into without getting too weird. After seeing a chef on a favorite food tv channel make chocolate coated bacon I wanted to take that thought to the next level. I made chocolate bacon cupcakes. Yes yes, I know how trendy cupcakes are now and how much everybody loves them, including myself. Basically, I sprinkled cooked bacon over the devil’s food cupcake with fudge chocolate icing…not too bad, but I knew I could do better.

How about buttermilk cupcakes with maple icing and crumbled cooked bacon over it? OH MY WORD, perfection. Just like eating pancakes with maple syrup and bacon. Just about everyone can appreciate that. Except maybe my fiancé, who is more of a sausage patty kind of a guy.

I’ll just make up for that by eating an extra piece of bacon next time.


  1. You should try bacon ice cream, I had it in Spain, it was DELICIOUS.

  2. That sounds amazing! I got to try garlic ice cream while we were living in Berkeley... not my favorite even though I love garlic.
